Scientific Discoveries

  1. 1. - Atomic model innovator
  2. 4. - Discovered the proton
  3. 7. - Theory of evolution author
  4. 11. - Quantum theory developer
  5. 14. - Heliocentric solar system proponent
  6. 17. - Theory of relativity creator
  7. 18. - Electromagnetic wave studies
  8. 19. - Germ theory pioneer
  9. 20. - Discovered X-rays
  1. 2. - Black hole theories
  2. 3. - Penicillin's accidental discoverer
  3. 5. - Laws of motion pioneer
  4. 6. - Telescope pioneer
  5. 8. - Electromagnetic induction researcher
  6. 9. - DNA structure co-discoverer
  7. 10. - Expanding universe evidence
  8. 12. - Discovered radium and polonium
  9. 13. - Laws of planetary motion contributor
  10. 14. - Determined the composition of water
  11. 15. - Alternating current pioneer
  12. 16. - DNA's double helix co-discoverer