Scientific Discoveries Quest

  1. 3. - Antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming
  2. 6. - Mathematical discipline by Newton and Leibniz
  3. 8. - Fundamental force harnessed for power
  4. 9. - Basis for understanding infectious diseases
  5. 11. - Revolutionized transportation and industry
  6. 16. - Splitting of atomic nuclei
  7. 17. - Optical instrument for distant observation
  8. 18. - Phenomenon explored by Marie Curie
  9. 19. - Preventive medicine against diseases
  10. 20. - Darwin's theory of species development
  1. 1. - Physics theory of subatomic particles
  2. 2. - Force of attraction between objects
  3. 4. - Electromagnetic radiation for imaging
  4. 5. - Sun-centered model of the solar system
  5. 7. - Theory of the universe's origin
  6. 10. - Einstein's theory of space and time
  7. 12. - Fundamental in modern electronics
  8. 13. - Wireless communication invention
  9. 14. - Genetic material discovered by Watson and Crick
  10. 15. - Arrangement of chemical elements