Scientific Method

  1. 1. a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
  2. 3. a question that may lead to a hypothesis and help us in. answering (or figuring out) the reason for some observation.
  3. 4. information collected using specific methods for a specific purpose of studying or analyzing.
  4. 5. the thing in the experiment on purpose
  5. 7. testing and studing what happens
  6. 8. never changes always the same
  7. 9. the perception and recording of data via the use of scientific instruments.
  8. 10. The separation of a substance into its constituent elements, usually by chemical means, for the study and identification of each component.
  1. 2. the process of studing to come up with a scientific concluesion
  2. 6. it relies on what the scientist changes