Scientific Method

  1. 6. A test of your hypothesis
  2. 8. A fancy word for "guess"
  3. 9. The detailed steps of how you did your experiment
  4. 10. The information you gather from your experiment
  5. 11. The reason we make a control group is for a:
  6. 12. Mr.D's 5th Graders are all now this
  7. 13. What you do after your experiment
  8. 15. The group you are testing your hypothesis on
  1. 1. The first step in the scientific method
  2. 2. The gas that a plant make and we breathe
  3. 3. The first stage as a plant begins growing
  4. 4. All the stuff you need for your experiment
  5. 5. What we take during the experimental process
  6. 7. the part of a plant that is typically below the soil
  7. 11. The group that you use to compare your experimental group
  8. 14. The place you do your experiment