Scientific method

  1. 6. the most important part throughout the method
  2. 7. letting experts review your scientific work
  3. 10. a guide for answering questions
  4. 12. wrapping up your method and communicating
  5. 13. amount of matter in an object
  6. 14. what you use to collect data
  7. 15. distance between two points
  8. 17. how to test your guess
  9. 20. what to do to share you findings with the world
  1. 1. a guess
  2. 2. evidence not involving your eyes
  3. 3. what you collect when testing
  4. 4. what a scientists does after collecting data
  5. 5. what you are trying to answer with the method
  6. 8. mass in a gravitational field
  7. 9. one tool of a biologist
  8. 11. one career that uses biology
  9. 16. the publisher of the green book
  10. 18. making data fit you findings
  11. 19. the study of life on Earth