Scientific Method

  1. 2. A group in an experiment that is being tested
  2. 5. Involves observing and asking questions, forming hypotheses, conducting controlled experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.
  3. 10. A group in an experiment that is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group except for one independent variable.
  4. 12. A logical interpretation based on what scientists already know.
  5. 13. Variables that are deliberately changed.
  6. 14. the process of interpreting the meaning of the data you collected, organized, and displayed in the form of a table or graph.
  7. 15. Data where numbers obtained by counting or measuring
  1. 1. Variables that are observed and that change in response to an independent variable.
  2. 3. Variables that are unchanged, or controlled.
  3. 4. The act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way.
  4. 6. A statement based on experimental measurements and observations. Includes the end results of your experiment.
  5. 7. A tentative scientific explanation that can be tested by further observation or by experimentation.
  6. 8. Data that is descriptive and involves characteristics that cannot usually be measured
  7. 9. a procedure designed to determine whether observations of the real world agree with or refute the derived predictions in the hypothesis.
  8. 11. A tested, highly-reliable scientific explanation of events in the natural world that unifies many repeated observations and incorporates durable, well-supported hypotheses that enable scientists to make accurate predictions.