Scientific Method

  1. 2. what you see or perceive
  2. 4. observations and experiments during an experiment
  3. 5. how close to the actual value your measurement is
  4. 9. useful for summarizing data collected in experiments.
  5. 10. the science that is the study of all living things. Also called biology.
  6. 11. Educated guess
  7. 13. process used to test a hypothesis
  8. 16. result due to the condition being tested
  9. 21. form of measurements
  10. 22. how consistent and exact your measurements are
  11. 23. add all values and divide by the number of values.
  1. 1. the science that is about matter and energy, the most basic building blocks of the universe.
  2. 3. factor that changes in an experiment
  3. 6. the conclusion of an experiment
  4. 7. based on the results of an experiment
  5. 8. the science that deals with things like planets, stars, and rocks.
  6. 12. this can be temperature, volume, and mass.
  7. 14. most common value.
  8. 15. explanation for events in nature
  9. 17. describes what happens under certain circumstances
  10. 18. based on the qualities of something.
  11. 19. the middle value of a data set when arranged in order
  12. 20. help us understand or describe a scientific data.