Scientific Method

  1. 4. when other scientists conduct the experiment
  2. 8. data that described qualities or characteristics
  3. 9. when the same scientist conducts the experiment multiple times
  4. 11. the transmission of ideas, methods, and knowledge in an accessible and helpful way
  5. 12. A system of explanation that is presented as science but that lacks the rigor essential to the scientific method.
  6. 13. the process of drawing conclusions based on evidence and reasoning
  7. 15. a description and explanation of your results
  8. 16. a question you come up with by asking yourself, "what am I trying to figure out?"
  9. 17. an experimental factor that changed as a result of the manipulated variable
  1. 1. an idea that can be tested by observations or experiments. What do you think you are trying to find out? To form a hypothesis you also use if..., then.....
  2. 2. data that can be measures in numbers
  3. 3. a planning set of materials to investigate a relationship between variables.
  4. 5. an element that remains unchanged or unaffected by other variables
  5. 6. the act of knowing and recording something
  6. 7. a quantity that does not change
  7. 10. an experimental factor that is changed/manipulated
  8. 14. the tendency to favor a particular POV and to present that view instead of other equally valid alternatives