Scientific Method

  1. 6. The variables keep constant throughout the experiment.
  2. 7. The variable changed in an experiment.
  3. 9. Numbered and exact data.
  4. 11. Using prior knowledge and clues to conclude something.
  5. 13. Measurment way that has units going up by ten.
  6. 14. Observing clues to make a guess of what is to happen.
  7. 16. Using The five senses to notice something
  1. 1. The variable affected by the change.
  2. 2. The way to test hypothesises in a organized way.
  3. 3. Explain results of the hypothesis.
  4. 4. Prediction of the outcome of two variables.
  5. 5. Test the hypothesis.
  6. 8. Refers to features and cannot be measured.
  7. 10. System used by USA that is impractical.
  8. 12. Examine the data.
  9. 15. Reject or accept the hyothesis.