Scientific method

  1. 4. A possible answer to a scientific question
  2. 6. "The flower has 5 petals" is an example of a ___ observation.
  3. 9. The ___ variable responds to changes to other variables.
  4. 10. anything that can change or be changed.
  5. 11. The ___ variable is changed by the scientists to cause an effect on another variable.
  6. 13. A statement to explain what we observed.
  1. 1. "The leaves are brown" is an example of a ____ observation.
  2. 2. the test is done to see if a hypothesis is correct.
  3. 3. gathering information using our 5 senses.
  4. 5. Scientists ___ data after collecting them.
  5. 7. A summary of the results of the experiment.
  6. 8. Gathering more information about a topic (ex: Googling, reading a science paper)
  7. 12. when a question is ____, it means we can do an experiment to find out the