  1. 2. A step-by-step explanation of how to conduct an experiment
  2. 4. It is a possible answer and explanation to your question
  3. 5. It is a possible answer and explanation to your question
  4. 6. It is a summary of what you have learned from an experiment.\
  5. 9. the facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through experiments
  6. 10. Sense of taste
  7. 13. A factor that changes in an experiment
  8. 14. The variable that is measured
  9. 15. Similarity, difference, trend, or other relationship found in data
  1. 1. The process of using the five senses to gather information.
  2. 3. Sense of sound
  3. 7. The variables that are kept the same
  4. 8. Sense of touch
  5. 11. It is designed to test the hypothesis
  6. 12. The variable that is tested and can be changed