Scientific Method

  1. 4. Something that happens or exists in the natural world and can be observed, experienced, or measured. (Phenomena is plural)
  2. 5. A step-by-step process used by scientists to investigate and solve problems.
  3. 8. A logical explanation or interpretation of an observation based on evidence and reasoning.
  4. 10. The variable that the scientist purposely changes in an experiment to see its effect on the dependent variable.
  5. 11. Data that is gathered based on the qualities of something, using your 5 senses.
  6. 12. The group in an experiment that does not receive the independent variable and is used as a comparison.
  1. 1. A controlled test is conducted to collect data and investigate the hypothesis.
  2. 2. Data the tells us how many, how much, or how often in calculations.
  3. 3. An educated guess or prediction made by a scientist to answer the research question. It is based on existing knowledge and research.
  4. 6. The variable that is being measured or observed in an experiment. It changes in response to the independent variable.
  5. 7. Factors that can change in an experiment and might affect the outcome.
  6. 9. The first step of the scientific method where a problem is identified and stated in a clear and specific way.
  7. 13. The act of gathering information using the five senses to describe and measure something.