Scientific Method

  1. 4. This is information gathered with the 5 senses
  2. 5. This group in an experimental receives the treatment, the new thing being tested
  3. 6. This type of graph is used to show means/averages on the y axis
  4. 7. A statement in an if...then format that states what you think will happen in an experiment
  5. 8. This type of graph is used to show parts of a whole/percentages
  6. 12. This type of variable is what is observed and measured in the experiment
  7. 13. This type of variable is what is kept the same for all test subjects
  8. 15. This system of measurement based on units of 10 is used by most of the world and in science
  1. 1. This is a 100% verifiable truth
  2. 2. This is a logical conclusion you come to based on your observations
  3. 3. This is an explanation of why something happens in nature that is backed by a lot of evidence and widely accepted
  4. 9. This type of variable is what you change to see the effect of, it is what is being tested
  5. 10. This group in an experiment does not receive the treatment, it has normal conditions for comparison purposes
  6. 11. This type of graph is used to show change over time
  7. 14. This is a statement that explains how a phenomena occurs in nature and often involves math