Scientific Method

  1. 3. Data described in words
  2. 4. The answers to your problem, answer to your hypothesis
  3. 6. Trails Doing the experiment at Least three times to make sure that the results are accurate
  4. 8. The place where the data, which was collected during the experiment, is recorded
  5. 10. An assumption or conc;usion that is logically made, based on given facts or circumstances
  6. 12. What you are trying to solve are figure out
  7. 14. Part of the experiment that is changed or manipulated
  8. 15. Used as a comparison in the experiment for seeing if the change you make in the independent variable is the dependent variables result
  9. 16. Testing your hypothesis
  1. 1. Data measured in numbers
  2. 2. The step-by-step directions for the experiment
  3. 5. Using your five senses to collect qualitative and quantitative information
  4. 7. The list of items you will need to perform the experiment
  5. 8. The result of the experiment that may be changed as a result of manipulation the independent variable
  6. 9. An educated guess
  7. 11. The parts of the experiment that stay the same throughout the trial
  8. 13. Gathering information