Scientific Method

  1. 2. Being true. Is the test measuring what it is supposed to measure?
  2. 4. recording of data using scientific instruments; or refers to any data collected during an experiment.
  3. 6. A prediction that can be tested
  4. 8. Variable The variable being changed by the experimenter.
  5. 10. A way of organizing, writing, and conducting the experiment.
  6. 11. Variable The outcome of the Independent variable, what is being measured.
  7. 12. A hypothesis that has been tested numerous times and proven to be correct.
  1. 1. Method A logical, systematic approach to the solution of a scientific problem
  2. 3. A method of reasoning/thinking
  3. 5. A conclusion drawn from observations and prior knowledge.
  4. 7. Summary that states if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect, based on observations and data.
  5. 9. A procedure that tests if a hypothesis is true or false.