Scientific Method

  1. 3. The step of the scientific method that involves creating a list of materials and writing a procedure.
  2. 6. The step of the scientific method that involves forming a scientific question to test.
  3. 7. The variables that are kept the same (constant) throughout the entire experiment.
  4. 9. A possible explanation for a set of observations or an answer to a scientific question.
  5. 12. The process of interpreting the meaning of the data collected in an experiment, finding patterns in the data, and thinking about what the patterns mean.
  6. 13. The variable that is measured by the scientist and changes as a result of the independent variable.
  1. 1. The step of the scientific method that involves collecting data, creating a table and drawing a graph.
  2. 2. A factor that changes in an experiment A step-by-step explanation of how to conduct an experiment.
  3. 4. The variable that is tested and changed by the scientist
  4. 5. A summary of what has been learned from an experiment and how the data relates to the hypothesis.
  5. 8. The process of using the five senses to gather information.
  6. 10. A similarity, difference, trend, or other relationship found in data.
  7. 11. The facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations.