Scientific Method

  1. 1. Information collected during an experiment.
  2. 8. Coming to a conclusion based on your existing knowledge. (Example – seeing a student wearing a sports team jersey and concluding the student likes that team.)
  3. 9. Data dealing with descriptions; data is observed (colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc.).
  4. 10. Outcome of an experiment.
  5. 11. Something that can be changed.
  6. 12. Watch something carefully.
  1. 2. Examine data collected in an experiment to determine what it means.
  2. 3. Your proposed answer to the question or solution to the problem.
  3. 4. Data which can be measured (length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, etc.).
  4. 5. Reach a decision based on the analysis of data.
  5. 6. A test that is done to determine if a hypothesis is correct or not.
  6. 7. Basic results that may or may not be accurate; basic results.