Scientific Method

  1. 4. Baseline data with known results without any added variables.
  2. 5. Variables that stay the SAME throughout the lab.
  3. 7. Explanation of problem using IF,Then,Because statments.
  4. 8. Variable that is set BEFORE the lab.
  5. 13. A picture of the data that includes even intervals on each axis.
  6. 14. Charts used to record and organize data collected in a lab.
  7. 15. Variable that is recorded DURING the lab.
  1. 1. Beginning of Lab Report that includes the background, purpose, and hypothesis.
  2. 2. Part of the lab that restates the hypothesis and discusses results, errors, and real world connections.
  3. 3. Section of Lab Report that includes tables, graphs, and Analysis
  4. 6. Part of the data section that outlines Trends and Comparisons.
  5. 9. A picture or diagram of what the materials and procedure look like.
  6. 10. Another word for problem, what you investigate in the lab.
  7. 11. When something goes wrong in the lab. These need to be discussed in the conclusion.
  8. 12. Part of Lab Report that includes the procedure, materials, and design set-up.