Scientific Method

  1. 2. A question about what you want to investigate.
  2. 4. The steps followed during an experiment.
  3. 6. The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis.
  4. 7. Factors that remain the same throughout the experiment.
  5. 9. The factors that change during an experiment.
  6. 11. An idea in theform of a statement that can be tested by observations and/or an experiment. Can be written as an if/then statement.
  7. 12. Read more about the problem or question and study it closely is a way to gather background _____________.
  1. 1. The factor that is measured during the experiment.
  2. 3. An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time.
  3. 5. A summary of the important parts of the experiment and the results.
  4. 8. The information gathered during an experiment. Often represented in a chart, graph, or table.
  5. 10. Used to conduct research and test ideas to learn more about the world around us.