Scientific Method

  1. 3. A list of items needed to conduct the experiment
  2. 5. Explaining or interpreting the things you observe
  3. 8. The variable that is measured in an experiment
  4. 9. Using one or more of your senses to gather information
  5. 10. Data or observations that can be expressed as an amount or number
  6. 12. The answer to your problem/question; a summary of what you have learned from an experiment
  7. 14. Data or observations that usually use the five senses to observe
  1. 1. Possible explanation for a set of observations or possible answer to a scientific question
  2. 2. always in form of a question; the question we are trying to answer by doing the experiment
  3. 4. The act of conducting a controlled test or investigation
  4. 6. information gathered from observations
  5. 7. A step by step plan for organizing and completing the experiment
  6. 11. Anything that must be kept the same in an experiment for the test to be valid or fair
  7. 13. The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied.