Scientific Method

  1. 2. information gathered from observations and often recorded
  2. 4. steps used to solve a problem or answer a question, the scietific ___
  3. 5. interpretation of an event that happened based on prior knowledgeor observations
  4. 9. a condition you change in an experiment, the manipulated ___
  5. 10. a procedure designed to test a hypothesis
  6. 11. facts or information used to support a claim
  7. 12. visual used to display data
  1. 1. a statement that can be tested with experimentation
  2. 3. a summary statement that describes evidence gathered, often supports or rejects a hypothesis
  3. 6. a body of knowledge that explains the natural world
  4. 7. a statement or assertion, example: "vitamin C can cure a cold."
  5. 8. using the five senses to study something