Scientific Method

  1. 1. – the factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis
  2. 6. - what one or more hypotheses become once they have been tested many times and is generally accepted as true
  3. 9. - An inactive substance used as a control in an experiment to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug
  4. 11. - a summary of the experiment's results, and how those results match up to the hypothesis
  5. 12. – procedures that are carried out under controlled conditions to discover or test a fact or hypothesis
  6. 14. – the process of obtaining information by using the senses
  1. 2. - the group that is identical to the control group except for one factor and is compared with the control
  2. 3. variable – the variable that is measured by the researcher
  3. 4. - conducted to gain a thorough understanding on the observation
  4. 5. - explanation that is based on observations and that can be tested
  5. 7. - any piece of information acquired through observation or experimentation
  6. 8. variable – the variable that is manipulated and controlled by the researcher
  7. 10. - a group of subjects or conditions that is not exposed to any experimental treatment
  8. 13. - generally accepted to be true and universal, and can sometimes be expressed in terms of a single mathematical equation