Scientific method

  1. 3. list of instructions about how to do the experiment
  2. 4. Data is information about qualities
  3. 7. the factors that are kept the same in an experiment.
  4. 9. A visual representation of your data.
  5. 12. Group Something that is used for comparison
  6. 13. Any factor that changes
  7. 15. variable The variable that the experimenter decides to change
  8. 17. This section answers your original testable question.
  1. 1. Conducting a test!
  2. 2. Method Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Collection, Conclusion, and Retest
  3. 5. data is information about quantities
  4. 6. is all the measurements taken from doing the experiment. materials
  5. 8. Use your senses.
  6. 10. It is what you start with. Usually asked as a question.
  7. 11. Variable The variable to the experiment responds to the change.
  8. 14. Looking up information or reading about your topic
  9. 16. A logical prediction