Scientific Method

  1. 2. Observations that support or contradict a hypothesis
  2. 4. A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
  3. 8. The independent variable is what you change on purpose.
  4. 9. Never changes, it always stays the same.
  5. 10. A set of procedures scientists follow in order to gain knowledge about the world.
  1. 1. A question that can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment
  2. 3. The amount of growth the plant has, the response to the independent variable. It relies on the scientist’s changes.
  3. 5. A test to help scientists, know more about a subject.
  4. 6. The study of the nature and behavior of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them .
  5. 7. Using the 5 senses to gather information.