Scientific Method

  1. 3. factor in an experiment that a scientist changes
  2. 4. the observations you make and collect during the experiment
  3. 7. summary of the data you have collected. Examples: graphs, tables, charts, photos.
  4. 11. factor in an experiment that is measured to see if it has been affected by the change
  5. 12. a summary of what you have learned from an experiment. You restate your hypothesis, state whether it was correct or incorrect using data to support your findings.
  6. 13. a conclusion based on your observations and your background knowledge
  7. 14. based on something you experience with one of more of your 5 senses.
  1. 1. factors in an experiment that must remain the same
  2. 2. a prediction about what will happen in the experiment.
  3. 5. a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions and solve problems
  4. 6. the steps the scientist plans to test out the hypothesis and find an answer to the problem.
  5. 8. the background information and research before a hypothesis is developed.
  6. 9. Usually phrased as, "How does the ______ affect the _______?"
  7. 10. the new problem or questions in relation to what was or was not discovered in the study. Written at the end of the report