Scientific Method

  1. 2. amount of matter in an object
  2. 3. a technique of converting numbers into different values without changing the value
  3. 4. transferring liquids in a small precise amount
  4. 7. distance between two points
  5. 12. the system used by scientists around the world to measure
  6. 15. transferring liquids from a larger container to smaller
  7. 16. interval between two events
  8. 17. measures as mm, cm, or m
  9. 18. small chemical reactions
  10. 21. scale measures mass
  11. 23. amount of state occupied
  12. 24. transfer solids from larger containers to smaller
  13. 26. grinding solids into powder
  14. 27. moving and holding hot beakers
  1. 1. precise measurements
  2. 5. electric powered plate
  3. 6. transferring liquids drop by drop
  4. 8. measures temperature as degrees
  5. 9. to hold test tube when heating
  6. 10. heating liquids
  7. 11. to support heated objects above the flame
  8. 13. gas powered flame
  9. 14. lid on a beaker
  10. 19. amount of heat in an object
  11. 20. exact quantity people use for comparison
  12. 22. holds multiple test tubes
  13. 25. holding chemicals