Scientific Method

  1. 3. This is where you determine your independent (cause) and dependent (effect) variables and what other variables will be kept constant (controlled).
  2. 6. An educated guess or explanation about how things work. Must be testable.
  3. 7. Involves collecting either quantitative and/or qualitative observations.
  4. 9. Presenting and sharing of the results. Often done using a written lab report.
  5. 10. Deciding what to do with the data from the investigation and deciding where it might lead
  1. 1. Based on the possible explanation offered by the hypothesis.
  2. 2. Due to the skill of the researcher and/or possible sources of error, it may be necessary to modify or change the procedure in order to find success.
  3. 4. Reflecting back on what you did and how you did it.
  4. 5. Take a look at and interpret your collected data.
  5. 8. Wanting the answers to the “How?” the “Why?” the “What?” the “Where?” and the “When?” questions.