Scientific Method

  1. 3. Analyze the _______ and results
  2. 4. The __________ must be testable and measurable
  3. 8. To notice something that requires explanation
  4. 9. The steps of the ________ must always be followed in the correct order and you should never skip a step
  5. 10. Experiments should also have three different types of ___________.
  6. 12. The variable or factor you measure based on how it responds
  7. 13. The final summary of data and results, states if the hypothesis was accurate or not
  8. 14. _________ the problem
  1. 1. _________, charts and tables can be used to display data to make it easier to read
  2. 2. an explanation or prediction about what might happen
  3. 5. Information obtained by using your senses
  4. 6. The variables or factors that remain exactly the same each time an experiment is done
  5. 7. Multiple ________, or running an experiment multiple times, allows the data to be more reliable
  6. 11. A detailed set of organized steps
  7. 15. The variable or factor you can manipulate or change