Scientific Method

  1. 3. the amount of 3D space an object takes up
  2. 4. conducted to test the possible solution to the problem
  3. 7. first step of the scientific method
  4. 8. variable that is measured
  5. 11. using the senses to GATHER data
  6. 12. the curved surface of a liquid
  7. 14. decision reached based on the analysis of the results from the experiment; the summary
  8. 17. data that can be observed but not measured
  9. 18. tool used to measure volume
  1. 1. the one variable that is changed in the experiment
  2. 2. a possible answer to the question; if/then statement
  3. 5. data that can be measured
  4. 6. basic UNIT for length in the metric system
  5. 9. tool used to measure length
  6. 10. a variable that does NOT change during the experiment
  7. 13. property that depends on mass AND volume
  8. 15. basic UNIT for volume in the metric system
  9. 16. information collected during an experiment