Scientific Method

  1. 1. a type of graph that is used to see the relationship between 2 variables that are both numbers
  2. 3. the unit of measure for mass
  3. 4. data that does NOT use numbers
  4. 5. lab glassware that is often used to compare different trials next to each other
  5. 8. all other possible variables that are held consistent, so that the only result is from the independent variable
  6. 9. the group or groups that get the independent variable
  7. 13. a piece of lab equipment used to determine the mass of a substance
  8. 15. a testable prediction based on observation
  9. 16. a type of graph used to show "word" categories and usually their amounts
  1. 2. a type of graph that is used to show percentage amounts of categories
  2. 3. a piece of lab glassware that gives the most precise measurement of a liquid
  3. 6. the variable that is the response or outcome
  4. 7. the axis on a graph where the independent variable is labeled
  5. 10. a description using one or more of the 5 senses
  6. 11. the variable that is changed on purpose by the researcher
  7. 12. the amount of space a substance takes up
  8. 14. the group that DOES NOT get the independent variable and is used as a comparison group