Scientific Method

  1. 5. an interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge
  2. 8. type of obeservation dealing with numbers of quantities
  3. 9. the group you are testing
  4. 10. the equipment and supplies needed to conduct the experiment or research
  5. 11. the educated guess about what will happen
  6. 13. the FACTS of what happened in the research or experiment
  7. 14. what you already know or have found out about the problem or question from reliable sources
  8. 15. type of variable that changed as a results of what the experimenter changed - also known as the responding variable.
  9. 16. what you want to find out!
  1. 1. How you plan to do the experiment -• Written in concise (to the point), numbered steps that start with a verb
  2. 2. includes what you learned in the experiment, whether your results supported or refuted the hypothesis.
  3. 3. type of variable that the experimenter changes - also known as the manipulated variable
  4. 4. type of variable that scientists try to keep the same throughout an experiment - also known as a constant
  5. 6. an observation based on the senses
  6. 7. the information collected during the experiment
  7. 12. an act of noting and recording an actual event, characteristic, behavior or anything else detected with the senses or an instrument to collect data.