Scientific Method

  1. 2. unlike a theory, this does not change
  2. 3. data that uses description
  3. 5. in an experiment, something you do not change from group to group
  4. 7. a group that does not get treatment because it is used to compare with the experimental group.
  5. 8. a test to see if a hypothesis is
  6. 10. a well-tested explanation
  7. 12. anything that changes in an experiment
  8. 13. a measurement that is out of the normal
  9. 14. data taken in through the senses
  1. 1. data that uses numbers
  2. 4. your interpretation of what you see
  3. 6. -variable what the scientist changes (cause)
  4. 9. a testable prediction
  5. 11. -variable the variable that is measured (effect)