Scientific Method

  1. 4. anything that changes in an experiment
  2. 6. unlike a theory, this does not change
  3. 7. a measurement that is out of the normal
  4. 10. data that uses numbers
  5. 11. -variable the variable that is measured (effect)
  6. 13. data taken in through the senses
  7. 14. your interpretation of what you see
  1. 1. a well-tested explanation
  2. 2. a group that does not get treatment because it is used to compare with the experimental group.
  3. 3. data that uses description
  4. 5. a test to see if a hypothesis is correct
  5. 8. -variable what the scientist changes (cause)
  6. 9. a testable prediction
  7. 12. in an experiment, something you do not change from group to group