scientific method

  1. 2. 100 cm
  2. 3. Friday
  3. 7. prediction
  4. 8. adjectives
  5. 9. 1st step of the scientific method
  6. 12. changed on purpose
  7. 15. measured
  8. 19. a hypothesis must be__________
  9. 20. the same
  10. 21. numbers
  1. 1. 10 mm
  2. 4. the class you are in
  3. 5. graduated _________
  4. 6. used to measure
  5. 10. a line graph shows change over______
  6. 11. explains the past
  7. 13. a pie chart shows______
  8. 14. last step of the scientific method
  9. 16. data collected
  10. 17. senses
  11. 18. a scale measures_________
  12. 20. compared