Scientific Method and Engineering Method, 2022-2023

  1. 3. An evaluation of the cost, quality and/or ability of someone or something
  2. 8. A specific task that a system or part of a system performs or is intended to perform
  3. 10. To determine a future outcome
  4. 11. Measurable and can be represented in numeric form; objective
  5. 12. The thing the scientist changes for the test.
  6. 13. What the design must do; may be used in place of criteria
  7. 15. The inability of a device, process, or system to perform a required function
  8. 16. A diagram, replica, mathematical representation, analogy, or computer simulation used to analyze a system for condition flaws, test a solution, visualize or refine a design, and/or communicate design features
  9. 18. Consistently repeating the same measurement procedure on a system or part of a system with the same tool used under the same conditions by the same person
  10. 20. Breaking an object or process into smaller parts to examine or evaluate systematically
  11. 22. A persuasive defense for an explanation or solution based on evidence and reasoning
  12. 24. This sums up what you learned from the experiment/test.
  13. 25. Data used to support a claim
  14. 26. A visual representation of data or information
  15. 27. This isn't a variable, but something that you purposely don't change.
  16. 29. A logical, objective thought process based on data, information, and evidence to form a conclusion or judgment
  17. 31. Non-measurable and described through observation; subjective
  18. 32. The relationship between the size of an accurate representation of an object and the actual object itself
  19. 34. A situation to be changed; a question raised for inquiry, consideration, or solution
  20. 35. To determine whether or not a design, model, process, system or theory meets the criteria as a possible solution
  21. 36. A systematic approach to solving a problem
  22. 40. The thing that changes because of what the scientist did: shows the result.
  23. 43. Researched prediction of how the test will turn out.
  1. 1. Attributes of a design that can be measured; a set of standards upon which a decision is based
  2. 2. This is the part of the experiment where you don't add the thing you're testing.Accuracy The quality of being near to the true or desired value
  3. 4. To share information orally, in written form and/or graphically through various forms of media
  4. 5. A list of steps to test if the scientist's idea is right.
  5. 6. To generate or to propose a possible solution; to create, fashion, execute, or construct
  6. 7. The use of a model to learn how a device, process or system will behave
  7. 9. A series of steps that form a pathway to a solution
  8. 12. The process of gathering or examining information systematically; generating data to provide evidence to support a claim based on a stated goal, predicted outcome, and planned course of action
  9. 14. An idea or set of ideas used to explain a fact or event
  10. 17. Something the scientist is trying to find out
  11. 19. A limitation or condition that must be satisfied by a design, including materials, cost, size, labor, etc.
  12. 21. The minimum or maximum permissible value
  13. 23. The required action of a device, process or system
  14. 25. The measurable relationship between a solution and the amount of resources it requires
  15. 28. Things scientists notice using our 5 senses.
  16. 30. Significant predictive features identified through analysis
  17. 33. The quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
  18. 37. A detailed written record specific to the criteria needed to solve the problem; the technical information about “what” is needed to solve the problem but not “how” to solve it
  19. 38. Measurements and things noticed during the experiment.
  20. 39. To improve through small changes
  21. 41. An exchange of one idea for another that may involve losing a quality or aspect of a design
  22. 42. A model that tests design performance