Scientific Method and Heredity

  1. 3. You can see your traits: True or False.
  2. 6. You get ____ of your genes from your mother and ____ of your genes from your father. (same word for both blanks)
  3. 8. You can see your genes: True or False.
  4. 9. You receive or ______ your genes from your parents.
  5. 10. You might have attached or detached ______.
  6. 11. We perform an ______ to test a hypothesis.
  7. 13. Your physical characteristics are known as _____.
  8. 14. We use our 5 senses to _______ the world around us.
  1. 1. You might be able to roll your ______ or you might not.
  2. 2. The information you collect by observing and measuring things.
  3. 4. We can find information about a topic or question by doing _____ in the library or on the internet.
  4. 5. Your ______ are the parts of a cell that contain information about your traits.
  5. 6. You might have a straight _______ or you might have a widow's peak.
  6. 7. An educated guess that can be tested with an experiment.
  7. 12. We can use a ruler, a scale, and a thermometer to ______ things.