Scientific Method and History of Microbiology

  1. 1. He investigated Cholera
  2. 2. Infectious disease, mild discomfort, aching, swelling, and disappears in a few days
  3. 4. History's greatest microbiologist
  4. 8. Not influenced by feelings, interests, or prejudices.
  5. 9. What is the key to good science
  6. 11. Who created the first vaccine
  7. 12. When non-science claims to be science
  8. 14. Influenced by feelings, interests, and prejudices.
  9. 16. discovered Animalcules
  10. 17. She founded the first school for nurses Domagk He discovered sulfa drugs
  11. 18. He is known as the main supporter of spontaneous generation
  12. 20. The study of the immune system
  13. 22. Two or more scientists investigate to see if they get the same results
  1. 1. What was the first vaccine created for?
  2. 3. He believed that death following childbirth was caused by the material on the hands of midwives and physicians
  3. 5. Outside the domain of science
  4. 6. He discovered the importance of handwashing
  5. 7. He discovered endospores
  6. 10. He discovered the antibiotic Penicillin Koch He experimented with the Gram stain
  7. 13. A tool for answering questions
  8. 15. His hypothesis states that microbes come from the air and that boiling will kill them
  9. 19. The first to introduce spontaneous generation
  10. 21. He is known as the father of modern antisepsis