Scientific Method Review

  1. 3. information gathered during an experiment
  2. 4. explaining or interpreting your observation
  3. 7. the step-by-step directions you follow to perform your experiment
  4. 9. what you must do if your experiment is flawed or inaccurate
  5. 11. using your five senses to gather information
  6. 12. the scientific method always starts with a questions or ___________.
  7. 13. an educated guess
  1. 1. what you need to do with your data to see if it is reliable
  2. 2. a process used to find answers to questions about the world
  3. 5. what you think might happen
  4. 6. _______ the results; the last step in the scientific method
  5. 8. to put into groups based on something that is alike
  6. 10. what you write to summarize your results