Scientific Method Review

  1. 2. The consistency of a research study or test.
  2. 8. A subset of a population representing the whole.
  3. 9. The act of noting and recording something with instruments.
  4. 12. A proposed explanation for a phenomenon, based on limited evidence.
  5. 15. A tendency to favor certain outcomes or interpretations.
  6. 16. Method: A systematic approach to research.
  7. 19. Theory: A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence.
  8. 22. Variable: Another term for the independent variable.
  9. 25. A representation of an object, system, or concept.
  10. 26. Any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types.
  11. 27. Variable: A variable kept constant to prevent its influence on the outcome.
  12. 28. A statement about what will happen under specific conditions.
  13. 30. A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world.
  14. 32. Variable: The variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment.
  15. 36. A statement based on repeated observations describing an aspect of the world.
  16. 38. Testing: The process of determining whether a hypothesis is supported by the results of an experiment.
  17. 39. A substance with no therapeutic effect used as a control in testing new drugs.
  18. 40. A procedure carried out to test a hypothesis.
  19. 41. Data: Information that describes qualities or characteristics.
  20. 42. The extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure.
  21. 43. A measure of the relationship between two variables.
  1. 1. Data: Information that can be measured and written down with numbers.
  2. 3. Facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis.
  3. 4. Law: A statement based on repeated experimental observations that describes some aspect of the world.
  4. 5. A factor that remains fixed during an experiment while the independent and dependent variables change.
  5. 6. Assignment: Assigning participants to groups by chance.
  6. 7. A collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
  7. 10. A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.
  8. 11. Study: An experiment where neither participants nor researchers know who receives the treatment.
  9. 13. Size: The number of subjects in a study.
  10. 14. Hypothesis: A hypothesis stating there is no effect or difference.
  11. 17. Group: The group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment.
  12. 18. Evidence: Information acquired by observation or experimentation.
  13. 20. A summary of the results of an experiment, stating whether the hypothesis was supported.
  14. 21. Group: The group that receives the treatment.
  15. 23. Effect: Improvement from the mere expectation of improvement.
  16. 24. The process of reasoning from general principles to specific instances.
  17. 29. Variable: The variable being tested and measured in an experiment.
  18. 31. Repeating an experiment to ensure that the results are consistent.
  19. 33. The process of examining data to draw conclusions.
  20. 34. Observation: Observing subjects in their natural environment.
  21. 35. Capable of being disproved by experimental results.
  22. 37. Review: The evaluation of work by one or more people with similar competencies.