Scientific Method Unit

  1. 5. writing a report to explain your experiment, the results, and your conclusions
  2. 6. a process, or steps taken to produce reliable results to answer a question
  3. 11. using reliable sources to gather background information about your topic
  4. 12. what you want to find out, or the problem you want to solve
  5. 13. observations that includes numbers
  6. 14. variable that you change on purpose
  1. 1. looking over the data to find trends, correlations, outliers, and meaning
  2. 2. observations that are descriptions based upon your five senses
  3. 3. variable that you keep the same throughout the experiment
  4. 4. explaining whether your hypothesis is supported or rejected by your data
  5. 7. a set of procedures that will collect data to test your hypothesis
  6. 8. all that can be observed with your five senses
  7. 9. an educated guess or predictive statement that can be scientifically testable or measurable
  8. 10. variable that may change as a result of what you change on purpose