Scientific Method Vocab

  1. 2. Either validates or disproves your hypothesis. What actually happens at the end of the experiment.
  2. 5. All the facts and information you gather from the experiment.
  3. 6. Never changes: always stays the same in an experiment.
  4. 7. A carried on explanation of what is seen after going through scientific method.
  5. 9. What is measured in an experiment. Relies on scientist's changes.
  6. 10. A process for studying and experimenting, to help you reach scientific conclusions.
  1. 1. What you change on purpose.
  2. 3. What is seen/observed when something is noticed.
  3. 4. An If/Then statement that is predicted to happen.
  4. 8. A method of investigation that is when a problem is noticed and then used to make/test a hypothesis.