Scientific Method Vocab.

  1. 2. Units of measures like mass, length, or time, that cannot be expressed in terms of a combination of other units.
  2. 4. The mass per unit volume of a substance
  3. 5. A measured quantity that has magnitude (size), but no direction.
  4. 7. A measurable period in which an event or process occurs.
  5. 8. Th ability to do work.
  6. 10. Energy in storage, the energy of position, or energy involed in a changed state.
  1. 1. The amount of space that matter occupies
  2. 3. A device that makes observations or measurements easier to perform or more precise.
  3. 6. The distance between two points, measured in a meter or other units of measurement.
  4. 9. A measurement of the pull of gravity on an object.