Scientific Method Vocabulary

  1. 6. An experiment is reproduced by another person with a goal of obtaining similar results.
  2. 8. The methodical examination of phenomena or behavior, which is carried out to obtain reliable, unbiased data.
  3. 9. The one factor in a scientific investigation that is deliberately manipulated by the person experimenting (test variable).
  4. 10. Observations, measurements, and other types of data that is collected to test and evaluate scientific explanations.
  5. 11. The factors in an experiment that remain the same.
  6. 12. Multiple sets of data from numerous trials, usually conducted by one person.
  1. 1. The group in a experiment that is used for comparison--the independent variable is not changed.
  2. 2. The use of words to describe what is observed in an investigation or experiment.
  3. 3. A testable prediction, idea, or explanation that leads to scientific investigation.
  4. 4. The measured factor that is the direct result of the manipulation of the independent variable (outcome variable).
  5. 5. The group in an controlled experiment used to study relationships among variables by changing the independent variable.
  6. 7. The use of numbers to describe what is measured in an investigation or experiment.