Scientific Method

  1. 3. variables that do not change
  2. 8. Group- in an experiment a group that serves as a standard of comparison with another group to which the control group is identical except for one group
  3. 9. - the process of obtaining information by using the senses; the information obtained by using the senses
  4. 10. Group- a group of subjects who are exposed to the variable under study
  5. 11. an idea or conclusion that's drawn from evidence and reasoning
  6. 12. an explanation for some phenomenon that is based on observations, experimentation ,and reasoning
  7. 13. Law- an indepth explanation of the observed phenomeon
  1. 1. Experiment- a test where the person conducting the test only changes one variable at a time in order to isolate the results
  2. 2. one statement backed up by data analysis, that supports or refuses the hypothesis
  3. 4. a theory or explanation that is based on observations and that can be tested
  4. 5. Variable- in an experiment , the variable that is changed or determined by manipulation of one or more factors
  5. 6. Variable- the factor that is deliberately manipulated in an experiment
  6. 7. information collected using specific methods for a specific purpose of studying or analyzing