Scientific Method

  1. 4. brilliant German astronomer and mathematician
  2. 7. Method step-by-step process of discovery
  3. 8. state the problem
  4. 11. Englishman who devoted his life to understanding how truth is determined
  5. 12. single force that keeps planets in orbit around sun
  6. 13. branch of mathematics
  7. 14. collect, record, and analyze data
  8. 16. possible explanation
  9. 18. experiment to test the hypothesis
  1. 1. Italian astronomer, assembled the first telescope
  2. 2. to go against
  3. 3. astronomer who discovered why planets moved the way they did
  4. 5. sun-centered model of universe
  5. 6. Frenchman who devoted his life to understanding how truth is determined
  6. 7. gather information on the problem
  7. 9. a person who is an expert in the study of knowledge
  8. 10. Copernicus polish scholar, published "On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres
  9. 15. draw conclusions
  10. 17. form a hypothesis-educated guess
  11. 18. communicate, share data, answer questions