Scientific Method

  1. 2. / Information gathered during an investigation.
  2. 5. / Reasonable guess based on observation.
  3. 8. / Rule that describes a pattern in nature.
  4. 9. / A changing factor while other constant are kept the same.
  5. 10. Method / Systematic observation, measurement, experiment, and testing.
  6. 12. / In an experiment it is kept the same and does not change.
  7. 14. variable / A changing variable in an experiment.
  8. 16. / Reason why something is occurring or being done
  9. 17. / To Explain the meaning
  10. 19. Variable / Changes as a result of changes in the independent variable.
  11. 20. / Items used in a scientific experiment or test.
  1. 1. / Study to determine the relationship and nature of parts.
  2. 3. / What the outcome will be
  3. 4. / Watching and noting test outcomes or experiment results
  4. 6. / Guess what will happen or occur.
  5. 7. / Factor that can be changed in an experiment
  6. 11. Conclusion based on an observation.
  7. 13. / Test period
  8. 15. / Scientific procedure to make a discovery or test a hypothesis.
  9. 18. / What is expected to be the outcome or experiment result.