Scientific Method

  1. 3. Law- A rule that describes a pattern in nature.
  2. 4. Reasonable and educated possible answer based on what you know and what you observe.
  3. 6. Science -The study of living systems and the ways in which they interact.
  4. 9. Factors that can be changed in an experiment.
  5. 10. A way of learning more about the natural world.
  6. 11. To draw a conclusion based on what you observe.
  7. 12. Experiment- Involves changing one factor and observing its effect on another while keeping all other factors constant.
  8. 16. A scientific investigation always contains observations, can be recored in the form of descriptions, tables, graphs and /or drawing.
  9. 17. The variables that are not changed in an experiment.
  10. 18. Thinking- combining what you already know with the new facts that you are given to decide if you should agree with something.
  1. 1. Words/Definitions for Scientific Method - 170822
  2. 2. Practical use of science, or applied science.
  3. 5. Variable- The variable that is changed in the experiment.
  4. 7. Science- The study of earth’s system.
  5. 8. Collection of structures, cycles, and processes that relate to and interact with each other.
  6. 13. Variable- Changes as a result of a change in the independent variable.
  7. 14. A representation of an object or an event used as a tool for understanding the natural world.
  8. 15. Science- The study of Matter and Energy.