Scientific Revolution

  1. 3. Considered a water thermoscope
  2. 5. A systematic approach to the solution of a scientific problem
  3. 9. Developed the scientific method
  4. 10. Series of events that led to the birth of modern science
  5. 11. helpful with mathematical calculations
  6. 12. The study how matter changes and its properties
  1. 1. 1. Objects at rest 2. Acceleration depends on mass 3. Force pairs don't act on the same objects
  2. 2. Curved mirror which focus light from distant objects
  3. 4. Created the planetary laws of motion
  4. 6. Was a big reason of medical advancement
  5. 7. study of life
  6. 8. Italian astronomer who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars
  7. 10. Created three laws of motion