Scientific Revolution

  1. 2. galileo ideas were so controversial that he was placed in?
  2. 7. the idea that the earth is the center of the universe is the what theory.
  3. 9. nicolaus Copernicus used _________________ to come up with his theory.
  4. 10. the Scientific Revolution challenged many medieval ideas about science. All of the following were astronomers during the Scientific Revolution except __.
  5. 11. Robert Boyle explained the effect of temperature and pressure on what?
  6. 12. what crime was Galileo charged with after his publishing his book?
  7. 13. _____________________ was an Italian astronomer who developed the telescope, which then confirmed Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory
  8. 14. johannes Kepler said that the planets rotated around the sun in what shape?
  9. 15. the Catholic Church attacked Galileo because he defended they system that said the _______ revolved around the sun
  10. 17. the idea that the sun is the center of the universe is the ____________ theory.
  11. 19. he pioneered the use of inductive reasoning for the use in the scientific method.
  12. 20. Issac Newton discovered what?
  1. 1. during the Scientific Revolution the heliocentric view of the universe was first proposed by __.
  2. 3. Galileo improved what invention that was used to look further into space?
  3. 4. what system of thought was based on the belief that *reason* is the chief source of knowledge?
  4. 5. Which scientist developed laws of motion?
  5. 6. what type of math was Newton known for developing?
  6. 8. francis Bacon argued that the truth could not be known at the beginning of a question, but only at the end after a long process of?
  7. 16. what method of reasoning did Francis Bacon say was most appropriate with the Scientific Method?
  8. 18. During the scientific revolution people started using experiments to test theories rather than just believing the ___________