scientific revolution

  1. 3. most influential thinker of the
  2. 6. volume
  3. 8. newtoms law
  4. 10. earth is the center of the system
  5. 11. gravity
  6. 13. a tool
  7. 14. the force the pulls us the the earth
  8. 17. galileos book
  9. 18. was put on house arrest by the church.
  10. 19. elongated
  11. 20. Galileo looked up to him
  1. 1. sun is the center of the system
  2. 2. observations
  3. 4. invented
  4. 5. when was the scientific revolution
  5. 7. the study of the human body
  6. 9. tempture
  7. 12. the force that pulls thing to the ground
  8. 15. imprisoned galileo
  9. 16. "I think, therefore I am"